
Forever Once

Sugiro a leitura deste poema a ouvir esta música. É original dos Nine Inch Nails, do álbum The Downward Spiral, de 1994. Conheço duas covers dela, uma de Johnny Cash e outra
de Peter Murphy.

Forever Once

I once lived a hollow love,
The only thing inside was me
And that just made it emptier.
I once flew away from here,
It was only to find out
That I was falling in a well.
There was a colour in my heart,
Painted over a cold grey stone
Made out of your lies.

I once lived a hollow love,
The only thing inside was me
And that just made it emptier.
I was hoping everything,
I was waiting for you,
And that was hoping for nothing.
I know that I’m unfair,
That’s my scar burning away
And know I don’t regret it.

I once lived a hollow love,
The only thing inside was me
And that just made it emptier.
I moved past your fields
Of green and blue and life,
To feel the pain that shines.
You once lifted my love,
But now you breed my hate
Because I was inside you.

Now, I hope you know
That I’ll be forever free.
The chain you leashed on me
Is now completely shattered
And I forever free.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Eu amo este texto!!
Quero um autografoo!!!

Ass: JO

Dancing Winged Girl disse...

mtoo giroo!!!
tens queda para isto!!
^^ ^^ ^^

ass: Maryy

Unknown disse...

intenso, genuíno, bonito. very insightful. adorei.